一派快报 | 2月20日nicolas在Pi network节点聊天室发言全纪录。
发布于 3 年前 作者 piking 373 次浏览 来自 NFT/Defi

image.png @nicolas We have over 6.5K functional node candidates right now. And over 4K of them are supporting other nodes (so they are SuperNode candidates). This is marvelous because we have setup the core team’s nodes to be accepting up to 64 incoming connections, just like everyone else. This means that the network is supporting itself. Without the SuperNode candidates this would not have been possible because once the 64 incoming connections of the core team’s nodes would be occupied no other node would be able to connect to the network. So, 4000 thanks one to each one of the 4K SuperNode candidates, for making sure your ports are open and your nodes are running. 现在,我们有超过6.5K个功能节点候选者。并且其中超过4K支持其他节点(因此它们是SuperNode候选对象)。之所以如此出色,是因为我们像其他所有人一样,将核心团队的节点设置为最多接受64个传入连接。这意味着网络正在支持自己。没有超级节点候选者,这将是不可能的,因为一旦核心团队节点的64个传入连接被占用,其他节点将无法连接到网络。因此,感谢4K SuperNode候选人中的每一个候选人,以确保您的端口已打开并且节点正在运行。

@shasundi的提问: @nicolas Hi Nicolas. So if my node says ‘supporting other nodes: yes’ 80% of the time it means I am a supernodes candidate? @nicolas嗨,尼古拉斯。因此,如果我的节点说“支持其他节点:是”,那么80%的时间意味着我是超级节点候选人?

@nicolas的回答: @shasundi yes open ports is a prerequisite for SuperNodes. Closed ports means definitely not SuperNode. @shasundi是,开放端口是SuperNodes的先决条件。封闭的端口绝对不是SuperNode。

@KabirWearsAToga的提问: Which is why for true decentralization via NAT punch through we need the super nodes to act as TURN servers essentially to relay the data packets to rest of network in decentralized fashion for nodes without open ports for direct p2p connection with other nodes. 这就是为什么要通过NAT进行真正的去中心化,我们需要超级节点充当TURN服务器,以便对于没有开放端口以直接与其他节点进行p2p连接的节点以分散的方式将数据包中继到网络的其余部分。

@nicolas的回答: @KabirWearsAToga Yes, that would be nice. We have reserved some ports in the 31400-31409 rage for that and other future functionalities @KabirWearsAToga是的,那很好。我们已经在31400-31409范围内保留了一些端口用于此功能和其他将来的功能。

@daviddang97的提问: @nicolas Hello Nicolas ,I just installed new windows today, so will my old data come back to me? @nicolas你好,尼古拉斯,我今天刚刚安装了新系统,所以我的旧数据会回来吗?

@nicolas的回答: @daviddang97 Your old stats are safely associated under your username, so that you history are node is preserved, but if this is a new node installation it will have its own stats. Just like as if you were running the node both from your desktop and laptop computer you’d have two separate stat histories. The history across all your installations will be used for the other criteria of selecting nodes/supernodes. @daviddang97 您的旧统计信息将安全地关联到您的用户名下,以便保留节点的历史记录,但是如果这是新安装的节点,它将具有自己的统计信息。就像您在台式机和笔记本电脑上都在运行该节点一样,您将拥有两个单独的统计历史记录。您所有安装的历史记录将用于选择节点/超级节点的其他条件。

@nicolas的回答: @nicolas I have not seen my node with more than 24 connections, how many connections are you encouraging now? @nicolas我的节点连接数不超过24,您现在鼓励多少连接?

@nicolas的回答: @groupventure each node wants to be connected with at least 8 other nodes at all times. (either incoming or outgoing). each node is accepting up to 64 incoming connections. That means that on overage each supernode is increasing the network’s capacity by 8 nodes. We currently have 6.5K nodes including 4K supernodes. This means that each supernode is supporting 6.5/4=1.6 other nodes, multiplied by 8 (as each node wants to have 8 connections) = 13. Thus supernode candidates have on average 13 incoming connections. Now some have more, some have less. Another realization here is that 13/64=0.2. This means that our network is operating at 20% capacity (this would actually be accurate only if every supernode was 100% reliable and 100% connected to the internet with a static IP). Maybe accounting for failures we are at 50% capacity. This means that if we added 0 more supernodes we could add up to 1.5K more nodes before the network starts being loaded. That’s why it’s important to keep adding supernode candidates that are supporing other nodes as we grow. @groupventure每个节点始终希望与至少8个其他节点连接。(传入或传出)。每个节点最多接受64个传入连接。这意味着在超负荷时,每个超级节点将使网络容量增加8个节点。我们目前有6.5K个节点,其中包括4K个超级节点。这意味着每个超级节点都支持6.5 / 4 = 1.6个其他节点,乘以8(因为每个节点希望有8个连接)=13。因此,超级节点候选平均具有13个传入连接。现在有些多了,有些少了。这里的另一种认识是13/64 = 0.2。这意味着我们的网络正在以20%的容量运行(仅当每个超级节点100%可靠并且100%使用静态IP连接到Internet时,这才是准确的)。也许考虑到故障,我们的产能为50%。这意味着,如果我们再添加0个超级节点,则在网络开始加载之前,我们最多可以再添加1.5K个节点。这就是为什么随着我们的成长不断增加支持其他节点的超级节点候选很重要。

@itznishant的提问: Hi Dr Nicolas, when I installed the node , I applied for a node in application but now ai have opened the ports and node is running the consensus container. Unfortunately still the incoming connections remains 0 and supporting other nodes is No. Could you please guide what could be wrong with my setup. I definitely want to be running as a supernode essentially helping others running the blockchain and verifying transactions in mainnet. Please help me out. 嗨,Nicolas博士,当我安装节点时,我在应用程序中申请了一个节点,但是现在AI已打开端口,并且节点正在运行共识容器。不幸的是,传入连接仍然保持为0,支持其他节点为否。请您指导我的设置有什么问题。我绝对希望成为一个超级节点,从本质上帮助其他人运行区块链并验证主网中的交易。请帮帮我。

@nicolas的回答: @itznishant visit a port checker on the internet and give it your ip address and port number 31401. If the port checker says your port is open then you are good to go, don’t worry about the number if incoming connections. But if the port checker says your port is closed then look into your router settings. @itznishant访问Internet上的端口检查器,并为其提供IP地址和端口号31401。如果端口检查器说您的端口已打开,则您可以使用,如果传入连接,则不必担心该端口号。但是,如果端口检查器显示您的端口已关闭,请查看路由器设置。

@GlassKnight的提问: HI, How do i fix the consensus container when it switched between error and absent ? 嗨,当共识容器在错误和缺席之间切换时,我该如何解决?

@nicolas的回答: @GlassKnight does it say consensus container enabled? if no, just wait, you will be added. If yes, then let’s debug this. @GlassKnight是否表示启用共识容器?如果没有,请稍候,您将被添加。如果是,那么让我们调试一下。

@itznishant的提问: From my understanding , my system couldn’t find other nodes wanted to connect to me, (incoming connections) but my system can easily find other nodes to connect to (outgoing connections) is that correct. Another question, about Network I/O , what’s the value other nodes are getting here. For me it’s 12 mb/ 20mb In docker container stats. Is that a high/low number, anyone can guide or share your numbers. Let’s help each other, that’s why we have a seperate chat :) 据我了解,我的系统找不到其他要连接到我的节点(传入连接),但是我的系统可以很容易地找到其他要连接到我的节点(传出连接)是正确的。 关于网络I / O的另一个问题是,其他节点正在获得什么价值。对我来说,这是12 mb / 20 mb的docker容器统计信息。是一个高/低数字,任何人都可以引导或共享您的数字。让我们互相帮助,这就是为什么我们分开聊天的原因:)

@nicolas的回答: @itznishant there could be multiple reasons why other nodes are not finding you to connect to and you don’t have many incoming connections. Most of those reasons have to do with luck. Usually when a new node tries to connect (or after a computer reboot or resume from sleep) it attempts to find other nodes from the list of IPs it has “learned”. If those nodes have available incoming connections then the new node connects to them. If they don’t have available incoming connections, they give their list of known node IPs to the requesting node and close the connection. Then the new node is trying to connect to those IPs and keeps discovering more IPs until it manages to connect to 8 nodes. As this process includes a degree of randomness some nodes become more well known, others are not so known. Something that helps a lot in becoming more known in the network is for your IP address to not change frequently. Something else is your distance from a core team’s node. The 64 nodes connected to a core team node will likely always have all of their 64 incoming connections also filled. That’s because brand new nodes that know no other nodes, they initially try to connect to core team’s nodes, they likely receive “rejections” and list of known IPs. The IPs of the nodes connected directly on core team’s nodes are definitely known by those nodes thus making it easy to be discovered too. Before you ask: It is completely random which nodes end up being connected on to core team nodes. Core team nodes give priority to each other and always accept one another. For the remaining of the 64 incoming connections they accept any other node on a first come first serve basis. But, it is not important to be connected to a core team node, the blockchain is the same everywhere and even a single byte of difference will immediately trigger an error as it would make the block hashes invalid. @itznishant可能有多个原因导致其他节点找不到您要连接并且您没有很多传入连接。这些原因大多数与运气有关。通常,当新节点尝试连接时(或者在计算机重新启动或从睡眠中恢复之后),它会尝试从其“了解”的IP列表中查找其他节点。如果这些节点具有可用的传入连接,则新节点将连接到它们。如果它们没有可用的传入连接,则将其已知节点IP列表提供给发出请求的节点,然后关闭连接。然后,新节点尝试连接到这些IP,并不断发现更多IP,直到它设法连接到8个节点。由于此过程包括一定程度的随机性,因此某些节点变得更加知名,而其他节点则不是那么知名。对于您的IP地址不要经常更改,有很多帮助在网络中广为人知。您与核心团队的节点之间的距离还有别的。连接到核心团队节点的64个节点可能总是会同时填充其所有64个传入连接。这是因为全新的节点不知道其他节点,它们最初尝试连接到核心团队的节点,因此很可能会收到“拒绝”和已知IP的列表。直接连接到核心团队的节点上的节点的IP绝对是那些节点所知道的,因此也很容易被发现。问之前:最终将哪个节点连接到核心团队节点是完全随机的。核心团队节点相互之间具有优先级,并且始终互相接受。对于64个传入连接中的其余连接,它们以先到先得的方式接受任何其他节点。但是,连接到核心团队节点并不重要,区块链在各处都是相同的,即使是单个字节的差异也会立即触发错误,因为这会使区块哈希无效。

@nicolas We are only adding nodes that are running v0.4.3. There are a lot of reliable nodes that are still on v.0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.4.2, but we can’t add them because they are not on the latest version. So we recommend people to upgrade if they want to get a slot. We have room to enable a few thousand more nodes in the coming days if you are interested. 我们仅添加运行v0.4.3的节点。v.0.4.0、0.4.1、0.4.2上仍有很多可靠的节点,但是我们无法添加它们,因为它们不在最新版本上。因此,我们建议人们如果想要获得插槽,请进行升级。如果您有兴趣,我们有空间在未来几天内启用数千个节点。

@dorequan的提问: @nicolas How to see who like/dislike a my comment? @nicolas如何查看谁喜欢/不喜欢我的评论?

@nicolas的回答: @dorequan Likes/Dislikes are not supposed to be private. But we haven’t built this feature yet. @dorequan点赞/不喜欢不属于私人。但是我们尚未构建此功能。

@colleenxie的提问: @nicolas Me and my friends are so looking forward to see the wallets. Could you pls kindly let us know what time it will be available for the nodes. Thank you, Dr. @nicolas我和我的朋友们非常期待看到钱包。您能否请我们告诉我们节点什么时间可用。谢谢博士

@nicolas的回答: @colleenxie I expect it to open to nodes early next week. @colleenxie我希望它在下周初向节点开放。

@hems4925的提问: I have windows 7 in my computer, so Node is not fully supporting in my computer. So what should i do, will it need windows 10 only??? 我的计算机中装有Windows 7,因此Node在我的计算机中未完全支持。所以我该怎么办,它只需要Windows 10吗???

@nicolas的回答: @hems4925 As long as you can install docker desktop you should be good to go. But I think docker is not working on win 7. @hems4925只要您可以安装Docker桌面,您就应该可以进行安装。但我认为Docker无法在win 7上工作。

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