发布于 3 年前 作者 qinxingyi 628 次浏览 来自 问答


有三部分 1Relay Chain The heart of Polkadot, responsible for the network’s security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability 传递链 波尔卡多的中心, 负责 网络的安全, 共识,过渡链 互操作性

2Parachains Sovereign blockchains that can have their own tokens and optimize their functionality for specific use cases. To connect to the Relay Chain, parachains can pay as they go or lease a slot for continuous connectivity Parachains 主权blockchains 可以有自己的 令牌并优化它们 特定的功能 用例。连接到 中继链,副链 可以边走边付吗 为连续租用槽位 连接

3 Bridges Special blockchains that allow Polkadot shards to connect to and communicate with external networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin

桥梁 特殊blockchains 允许圆点花纹碎片 连接和 与外部沟通 像以太坊和 比特币

4Validators Secure the Relay Chain by staking DOTs, validating proofs from collators and participating in consensus with other validators.

验证器 用下注点保护继电器链, 验证来自整理器和 与他人达成共识 验证器。 5 Collators Maintain shards by collecting shard transactions from users and producing proofs for validators. 排序器 通过收集碎片来维护碎片 交易来自用户和生产 依据验证器。

6 Nominators Secure the Relay Chain by selecting trustworthy validators and staking DOTs.

提名者 通过选择保护继电器链 值得信赖的验证和下注 点。 7 Fishermen Monitor the network and report bad behavior to validators. Collators and any parachain full node can perform the fisherman role.

渔民 监控网络并报告不良情况 行为来验证器。校对机和 任何旁链全节点都可以执行 渔夫的角色。

8Council Members Elected to represent passive stakeholders in two primary governance roles: proposing referenda and vetoing dangerous or malicious referenda

委员会成员 被选出来代表被动的利益相关者 在两个主要的治理角色中:提议 全民公决和否决是危险的还是 恶意投票表决,

9 Technical Committee Composed of teams actively building Polkadot. Can propose emergency referenda, together with the council, for fast-tracked voting and implementation.

技术委员会 积极组建团队 圆点花纹。可以提出紧急 全民公决,连同理事会, 快速投票和执行。
